
early weekend

so, how did my weekend begin on wednesday?? glad you asked. monday flew by so fast all ii could feel was a gust of wind in the back drop. tuesday d r a g g e d. it was so terrible ii wont even talk about it. so after that horrendous day ii decided ii was going to begin my weekend as of wednesday morning. well. the PLAN was to stay home in the morning and be to work by lunch. sounds good, right?? yeah…sounded okay to me too. but, around 9:30 ii woke up and felt like serious crap. felt so bad ii was forced to get up outta my bed an hour before ii was supposed to. ii ate a lil something took some meds and an hour later ended up calling out for the whole day. well that sucks. around one the medicine was in full effect and ii was feeling a lot better….thats when my weekend began.
ii showered and threw on some clothes. cleaned up my room, threw some meds in my purse for the road and went out the door. we were headed to the mall. it was such a beautiful [[hott]] day out so it was fun just to drive around. we ended up going everywhere the road could take us. us, Bobby and that good ol Tracker [[Jessa’s truck]]. by the time five rolled around we were back on the block and kinda chilled for a min. seemed like we were going all day but did a bunch of nothing. by the time we six o clock hit ii was in need of more meds and a meal. eventually we went home and watched tv, Jessa scooped the bestie after work. of course, ii am at work now but ii am truely in the weekend. TOMORROW IS PAYDAY!!! YaY!! ii am going to get my hair did today after work and then starting tomorrow there are no breaks. after work we must head to help Jazzie get ready for prom, after she leaves we have to help Choc set up for the party. then its on and poppin…PARTY!!! saturday morning we’ll prob go out for breakfast then ii have to head home to get dressed. go pick In and the baby up so we can head to baby DaDa’s birthday party. once we leave there ii have to take In home and head down T.S. to see RahRah and the rest of the seniors go off to their prom. THEN, ii have to take care of Chelley’s hair and go over this dance so she wont embarrass herself on sunday morning. after that its straight to the bed. [[ii wont you all to know that im telling you all this so ii wont have to do it on monday morning]] sunday we have to dance EARLY IN THE MORNING!! so ii have to get up extra early so the baby can be ready to go too. after services we are all going to Longhorn to eat for mother’s day. [[breathe]] then after that ii can chill. ii can prop my feet up and relax, finally. but, there’s always more to do because we have to be at dance practice again on monday and dance EARLY IN THE MORNING for communion….huh…the stresses. im tired just thinking about it but it should be a wonderful great glorious [[summer]] weekend. and you know ill have pics up lol.

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