
getting to know people

Posted in check ya flesh, church, decisions, determination, events, ministry, Shiloh, [Y.R.P] by Tanae' A. on August 27, 2007

Yesterday was our last summer service at church so, like always, we enjoyed a very hott outside service. I woke up a little early because I decided that I wanted to go to Sunday School and I was a bit discouraged to hear that it was cancelled because of a New Members Breakfast. I ended up just sitting around chatting with a few good folks as I waited very patiently for service to start but in the meantime I noticed a girl walking into the church. I had seen this girl before a few times but I didn’t really know who she was so I decided to introduce myself… I was not pleased with the way the conversation went down…

“Hello!” I said with a very bright smile… she didn’t respond she just looked at me like I was crazy and gave me one of those four finger waves.

“Um, I been seeing you around a lot lately so I just decided to introduce myself. I’m Tanae’, this is Shanaira, and the one in the blue shirt is Kayla.”


“So, whats your name?”

“Deanna…” with sarcasm drippin from every other syllable

“Oh Ok, and the boy that you be with is your brother??”

“Who? John?”

“Is that his name??”

“uuuhhh huh..”

“Ok, well I just wanted to introduce myself. I’ll be seeing you around.”

And yet again a rude reply… “Oook…”

Now, at first, I was completely turned off by this chicks attitude. I was being really nice to homegirl trying to introduce myself and some of the other youth and she just straight up threw sarcasm all in my face. But, despite my feelings about her, she is a new youth at my church I feel as tho it is my responsibility to get her and her brother affiliated with some other people their age. So, I am going to continue to speak to her and greet her with million dollar smiles. I am going to give her chance to get to know some people and get used to the atmosphere that is probably not accustomed to. Maybe in a few weeks she’ll have a change of attitude and actually get to know some of us and she may even want to become active in ministry.

Usually, I would never talk to this chick again after the conversation that we first had but I had to really think about it. I know back in the day, my first impression on a lot of people was probably horrific but most of those people continued to deal with my lil attitude and eventually realized that i’m not a bad chick. Actually, I can be nice, quirky and retarded most times. But, some people just take a lil longer to come around then others so maybe if she sees somebody thats continuously trying to make her feel apart of she’ll warm up a lil. I’m hoping and praying she does…

truely content

Posted in blessings, work by Tanae' A. on August 27, 2007

A few weeks ago, I applied for a position within my office. I wasn’t too sure if this is was something that I even wanted to attempt to jump at because of the simple fact that there are so many other people in this division that are way more qualified, but my co-worker insisted that it was worth a try. So I submitted my resume and a few days later I got a call to go on an interview.

One rainy thursday morning, I rushed over to the other courthouse to go to this interview. I walked up all five hundred and thirty two steps and I waited patiently for my name to be called. I sat in this interview and answered every question that was thrown at me to the best of my ability. I showed them that I knew how to do certain tasks in Microsoft Word that would be necessary. I felt confident in what I had done and the impression that I left on them and I was content as I made my way back to work.

In the past two weeks, I have been waiting on my phone to ring or an email to pop up just to let me know if I got the position or not and today the call finally came.

“Hi, Ms. Phillips. This is ____ _____ from the front office.”

“Oh, hello, how are you doing this morning?”

“I’m well, thank you for asking. I’m calling because Mrs. ___ in Victim Services would like to thank you for showing an interest in the position that was available. Unfortunately the position has already been filled but I want to thank you again for your interest in the position.”

Let me state for the record, I am absolutely completely blessed beyond abundance therefore I refuse to complain. Yes, I would have been overly excited if I would have gotten the position but I am not disappointed about not getting it. I knew when I applied that there were so many other well qualified persons who would apply and I was okay with that. When the time is right, I believe that I will progress. But I am completely content being here in this office at my lil desk with these great people. I am blessed to even have the priviledge to be where I am right now so I refuse to take anything, even the smallest thing, for granted.

I am still working my butt off to get ahead but I know that everything works in God’s time… so, I’ll be sitting here patiently waiting to see where we’re going next…